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Clairvoyant Readings


A channeled Clairvoyant Reading over Skype takes about an hour. During the reading I will channel messages from the angels which will provide meaningful psychological insights regarding conditions in your life as they are now as well as which steps to take for you to embrace your chosen destiny & to become aware of what aids you to get from here to there.

A psychic Skype/ telephone reading -similarly to a personal reading- contains sweet messages as well as guidance from angels, tailor made for you. To your delight you will notice that the harmonious, pleasant advice offered to you is especially applicable to lead you further on the path to your most precious destiny. Clairvoyant angel readings help you to reach those goals you are aiming for.

Every moment of every day you are surrounded by angels. Therefore they know very well what it is that you need at any given moment as well as which are the best steps on the path to your most precious future. A clairvoyant angel reading is a loving, gentle signpost guiding you closer to the harmony which is an essential part on the path to your destiny.

Every reading is always positive. Angelic messengers start from the concept that there is always a solution for everything... A solution that often appears to be closer at hand than you might have previously anticipated. A clairvoyant reading, therefore, is the best present you can grant yourself when you find you are at crossroads in your life.

For more information on clairvoyant readings and the way they are performed, please feel free to view the description of a personal reading as well.

With Love & Light
