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Clairvoyant Readings

Messages from Angels

There are no “but's” in the life of your dreams... Yet there are rather plenty “what ifs?”. This is always interesting to contemplate...

What if I would truly live the life of my dreams?
What if I would dare to change my life for the better?
What if I would fully trust my intuition?
What if I would be aware of the presence of angels at any given time?
What if opportunities presented themselves to me?
What if I would focus on the God Self of everyone I meet?
What if my life looked more like a beautiful fairytale?
What if I would be fearless?

Just pondering these questions brings you energetically in alignment with the truth of this reality. This is the law of attraction at work. The more you engage your thoughts in questions as such, the easier you bring the opportunity to life for these ideas to become manifested into your life.

It is good, it is healthy and it is necessary to bring “what if's” to your mind often and playfully.

Yet be aware of any thoughts in the form of a “but” as one of them can ruin the effect of many “what if's”. There is never any reason for these “but's” as they are negative affirmations which erase all previous positivity with the greatest of ease.
If you find yourself unwittingly using any “but's” immediately shake your hands and say “I now cancel, clear and delete this thought.”

Doing this will make you aware of your own manifestation power. Please remember... As with any change in life the practice of learning this requires a certain level of discipline. This is needed until you have integrated this new way of life into your new routine. Don't give up on trying this exercise for yourself, because... What if?

Clairvoyant Readings - Messages from angels 7th May
