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Clairvoyant Readings

Messages from Angels

The highest frequency in the Universe is love, divine love. This is the place where our Soul dwells, and also our mind when we have reached an enlightened state of awareness. The lowest frequency in the Universe is there where people still live a fear based existence, unawares of the beauty hovering above them. This is the state of life where mainly karmic consequences are lived out / endured. By doing this with an attitude of acceptance & love one can transcend karma to grace. In this process more and more light & love becomes available to us until we have transmuted destiny. Soulmate meetings will happen regardless of the frequency one inhabits... Yet often soulmate meetings are a learning process. They come into ones life so both can learn important lessons through knowing this person. These meetings are always destined as they are written in your life script before the journey began. When apparent misfortune between soulmates is viewed through the passing of time, it is most likely that you will see the growth that these events have brought about. Thankfulness should come as a result of this... Thankfulness for lessons learned, followed by a willingness of mind to dwell back in that state of love and innocence again. When this can happen, mind and soul can be in harmony and capable of achieving great feats.
Love everything and everyone around you as when you open up to life, life will open up to you. Dream creatively and expect your soulmate to be with you... but do it in a spirit of love. There are no mistakes, only lessons to be learned.

Clairvoyant Readings - Messages from Angels 14th November
