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Clairvoyant Readings

Messages from Angels

Follow your heart: deep inside you are in touch with your greatest dream... The path to your destiny.

Everything which gives you a wonderful feeling when you hear, feel or do something you like tends to be a signpost toward your greatest dream.

This could concern love if it is in your destiny to teach the world about love & harmony. Or you might be born with a natural passion for fashion if your life’s purpose is bringing happiness to the world by flaunting the most beautiful designs created by you as a top fashion designer. Maybe it warms your heart to see the smile on a child’s face and were you born to be a fab teacher who has great insight and knows how to keep a class in awe.

Whatever your purpose, you can find it by becoming aware of what it is that you love to do more than anything in the world and by taking small baby steps to give more energy to this, like watering and nurturing a plant which will then bear flowers. If you love dancing, writing, painting... do it more. Engage yourself in it every day, even if it is just for half an hour. Not only will you feel happier, but by becoming consciously aware of what makes you tick you will start experiencing more synchronicities in your life. They in turn will help you find your true calling slowly but surely.

Listen to yourself, listen to your dream... The right path will appear as if by miracle, as long as you have faith in what your heart tells you.

Clairvoyant Readings - Messages from Angels 28th October
