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Inner child healing - Gently loosening the ties that bind
For the wise old crone or the wise old man to come to life in the physical body, it is of importance that the inner pains of the child can be healed and transformed into loving strengths, giving us the chance to gently overcome blockages we might not even be aware of anymore as they are like old programs still running unnoticed in the background where we might pretend we have forgotten about them and try to go on with our lives, ignoring the nagging aches and pains.
Our inner-child wants to be noticed and wants to be heard, needs someone that can take the pain together with them and transform it into a playful way of growing up, into a belief - a knowing! - that we are worth it and can get on track with our life. All we need is love, knowing we are loved and we need to be prepared to open ourselves up to the loving wisdom of the child within. For these healings we go through angelic moments of softness and gentle conversation, we learn how to listen to ourself and the sweet little voice of the child within, followed by integration of the deeper and nearly forgotten parts of ourselves through sacred attunement, guided meditation and/or regression.
Gently we go back to your childhood, unveiling blockages that have lain dormant for many years as a protection against pains that might have long been outgrown. We distinguish what is needed on our journey through life and what we can let go of. We invite the child within on a whole new adventure which will lead to the uncovering of the treasure chest within, a treasure chest filled with nearly forgotten memories of wisdom gained in past lives, patiently waiting to be remembered again at the right time. Once the child feels understood it can grant us access to living a full life in the here and the now. At this point we can meet our future self, the self that will always send us helpful messages about how to navigate through life if we are willing to listen. We will realize we are never alone, we never were and we never will be. Are you ready for the next chapter in your life?